Sunday, August 28, 2011

MS Word : Create left and right alignment in single line

One day I needed to create document in Microsoft Word that contains both left and right alignment in one line. I came across several links that explained it, yet it required me to 'pause' a while to follow text instruction. So here is the step by step with images to help others get it quickly, hopefully without 'pause' to think :).

To achieve the left and right alignment on single line, I use the tab stop method that uses tab stop to set the right alignment. There is other method using table but I think using tab stop is simpler.
  1. To get the tab visible, make sure the ruler is turned on by clicking on View tab > Show / Hide group > Check box Ruler.
  2. Set left alignment and start typing the words. To set left alignment go to Home tab > Paragraph > Align left text.
  3. Now open the tab dialog from Page Layout tab > Paragraph group > click on little arrow in the right bottom corner. It will open Paragraph dialog. Click on the Tabs.. button. The tab dialog form is shown

  4. Create new tab stop position e.g. at 15 cm with right alignment, then click Set.

    The result will be like this. Now click OK.
  5. Now the ruler show a new tab stop with right alignment at the position of 15 cm.
  6. Put the cursor to the left of the text that will be at right position, and then hit the keyboard Tab button.

    This is the result

Thursday, July 7, 2011

About number of decimal property of an EDT

About number of decimal property of an EDT.

Extended Data Type (EDT) no of decimal property control the following :

When user input manually from a form (or direct table browser), whatever user input will be rounded to the nearest decimal places allowed by no of decimal. E.g. when no of decimal is 2, entering value 4.0179 will result in 4.02. The value 4.02 will be stored in database.

But the property does not control the value that is entered through code. E.g. there is a code that insert a record with value 4.0179, this exact value is stored in the database, up to 12 decimal places for real data type. However when dislayed back in form or table browser, the value will be rounded according to the no of decimal property.

Remember that this propery is not inherited from parent EDT, so that if there is a need to change EDT in many places, chance is that you need to change many EDTs instead of one parent EDTs.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Place to put range in data source

Sometimes, without much thinking we tend to change query of a form data sorce this way :
1. Put in the init method of datasource, after super() the range that will be applied to that table’s datasource.
2. Let the system retrieve the default query.
3. In the run method, which is after system generated query is executed, apply the range and then call the datasource.executeQuery again.

This is inefficient because of two things :
1. The data source query is executed two times, in which the first one is never used. This is a waste of resource.
2. When this form is a master table, go to main table will not work with this approach because go to main table is erased by the second exec ute query.

Better approach will be to follow standard AX InventJournalTable, where range query is applied before super() in the datasource.executeQuery method.
This will make sure only one execute query is needed (which is more efficient) as well as it will regard the go to main table.