Monday, January 28, 2008

WSS Glossary

Recently, I work on learning another Microsoft product called Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0.
One difficulty is that there are many new terms that I need to understand.
Below I list some of the terms that I think I need to understand the clear definition. I will add when new term is found.
Site A group of related Web pages in Windows SharePoint Services where users can share data in lists and libraries, and can view and edit one or more Web part pages. Sites are generally used for collaboration, but can also be used to host content.
Site collection A set of Web sites that have the same owner and share administration settings. Each site collection contains a top-level Web site and can contain one or more subsites.
Site definition A directory on the front-end Web server containing the .xml files and .aspx page templates that define a blueprint for the site.
Site template A file that includes a set of .xml files that contain the manifests and configuration parameters that modify a site definition.
Site template gallery A collection of site templates.
Web part A modular unit of information that consists of a title bar, a frame, and content. Web parts are the basic building blocks of a Web part page.
Web part page A Web page that can host one or more Web parts. A Web part page usually contains one or more zones to allow Web parts to be manipulated on the page.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Windows 2003 server : mencegah file terblock

Baru-baru ini saya mengalami masalah dengan file yang dicopy dari suatu ftp site ke server Windows 2003 SP2 saya.
Seluruh file dengan extension .zip terblock oleh Windows.
Setelah googling, akhirnya saya temukan di sini bahwa penyebabnya adalah Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration aktif. Ini menyebabkan security setting di Internet zone diset ke High, yang salah satu efeknya menyebabkan file2 yang di ambil dari Internet zone menjadi terblokir.
Untuk mengatasinya saya buka Internet Explorer > Tools > Option > Security tab.
Pilih Internet zone, lalu klik Custom level.
Setelah itu cari "Launching of application and unsafe files" ubah pilihan dari disable menjadi enable.
Ini membuat security setting yang tadinya High menjadi custom.
Setelah selesai menggunakan file yang tadinya terblock, saya kembalikan security setting Internet zone ke High.
Pemahaman lebih lengkap soal security setting di Internet Explorer ada di sini